Animal-assisted therapy is one of the forms of alternative therapy that can be used to treat people suffering from addiction and mental health problems.
Apart from animal-assisted therapy, other types are art therapy, yoga therapy, music therapy, etc.
According to some verifiable studies, animal-assisted therapy has helped people reduce blood pressure, increase endorphins supply and reduce the working effects of stress hormones like epinephrine and cortisol.
Animal-assisted therapy which is also known as pet therapy comes with some benefits that will be discussed below:
It teaches responsibilities
One of the perks of undergoing animal-assisted therapy is that it teaches you how to become more responsible for your health.
When an animal, or a pet, is put in your care, you will be saddled with the responsibility of ensuring that nothing happens to them.

With time, you will understand why it is important to give equal attention to your health. This will encourage you to realize why addiction comes with little or no benefit for all aspects of your health.
Builds self-worth
If you are looking down on yourself, one of the ways to boost your self-worth is via animal-assisted therapy. When it comes to caring for pets, your self-worth and confidence level increase.
Generally, pets are appreciative of efforts shown towards them. This will make you more selfless and generous. These traits can also be extended to your counselor and therapist in addiction treatment.
Healthy emotional channel
When you are in addiction treatment, you are likely to struggle with some mental health problems like depression, anxiety, etc.
Animal therapy helps you to combat these mental health issues or their symptoms. Over time, you will realize that caring for pets improves your mental and emotional health.
It is correct to mention that animals bring comfort to individuals in the addiction recovery process. The presence of pets brings calm to a disturbing atmosphere.
With pet therapy, patients can begin their journey to ensure safe and sound health free of addiction.